JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク



JFCの子どもたちにマスクを送ろう! Send the masks to save the Japanese-Filipino children!

Please donate us if you have any kinds of extra masks♪
In the Philippines, people need to put a mask when they go out as when they do not put masks, they have to pay a fine or even restrained by the police.
現地事務所のマリガヤハウスもNo Mask No Entryというステッカ―をオフィスの玄関に貼っています。
In our office in Manila, Maligaya House, they put sticker, “No Mask No Entry” on the entrance of their office.
Though they can buy the cotton masks in the market or the mall, due to their financial difficulties, they usually reuse cotton masks washing every time. The quality of masks are not good, which are thin and easy to be damaged.
The school will start in August. Children really need to have masks as they go to school by walk every day.
If you have extra cotton masks or any kinds of disposable masks, please donate us. It will be great help for us if you enclose 300- yen-stamps for postage fee to the Philippines. Our address to send is as below;
160-0023 新宿区西新宿4-16-2-206
160-0023 Shinjuku-ku Nishi-Shinjuku 4-16-2-206
JFC Network
maligaya kids