JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




新年は明けましたが、悲しい出来事が続き、まったくおめでたくはない年明けですね。(※English is below)







さて、JFCネットワークは今年設立30周年を迎えています! いろいろなイベントを企画しておりますので、みなさま、どうぞ足を運んで頂けましたら嬉しいです。



The New Year has begun, but it is not a happy beginning at all, with a series of sad events.
How do you start the New Year?

Today is the first day of work for JFC Network. However, three JFC members are coming to Japan at the beginning of the new year.

Mr. S (male) arrived from Davao on January 4, Mr. K (male), 19 years old, arrived on January 9, and Ms. A (female), 19 years old, arrived on January 11. Mr. S and Ms. A arrived at Nagoya Airport, but Mr. K will arrive at Haneda Airport, so I will pick him up from there! I worried about whether he could come to Japan or not due to the accident at Haneda Airport on the 2nd, but I found out that the flight is going to be over somehow, so I am very relieved.

All three children lost their Japanese nationality because their parents failed to notify the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines or the municipal office of Japan of their birth and reservation of Japanese nationality within three months of their birth in the Philippines as children born out of wedlock (Article 12 of the Nationality Law).

With the age of adulthood becoming 18, the age for obtaining nationality was also lowered to 18, but as a transitional measure, notification of reacquisition of nationality can be submitted by the age of 20 until March 31, 2024.

Therefore, JFC Network is supporting cases in which the applicants wish to come to Japan and re-acquire nationality by March 31. However, it is really too difficult to come to Japan from the Philippines and re-acquire nationality because of the need to secure a guarantor, a place to stay, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and a place to work.

Mr. S came to Japan on the 4th, filed his notification of obtaining nationality on the 5th, and turned 20 years old on the 8th. I received a message from Ms. S. that it was a really happy 20th birthday present for him.

JFC Network is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year! We are planning various events and would be happy if you could join us.
We are starting the year in a tight financial situation, but since this is our 30th anniversary year, we would like to make our activities widely known, have more people support our activities, and do our best to increase the number of our supporters! 

We look forward to your continued support and cooperation for many years to come.

Let’s make it a good year together!