JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク



~JFCネットワーク30周年記念~ 『日比交流音楽フェス2024』

『日比交流音楽フェス2024』※English is below.

日本とフィリピンにルーツを持つ子どもたち、Japanese Filipino Children(JFC)の中には、日本人の父に見放され経済的に苦しい生活を強いられたり、父親に認知をしてもらえず日本国籍が取得できずに自分のアイデンティティに苦しんだりする人もいます。このような問題はまだ多くの人に知られておらず、現状の理解や支援も少ない状態になっています。



① フィリピンか日本、もしくはどちらにもルーツがある人たちが繋がることで勇気を与える。
② JFCの問題について知らなかった方へ、問題の啓発と支援の拡大を行う。

①ZAIKO: https://jfcnetwork.zaiko.io/item/364831?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3XIluKi7gMlg0-DJMdVf5XoO6qoNktnXczAFjVgPyF7yAAhUXpg0MKlUA_aem_erD5TXsfYObN50FdmF_Akg
②Peatix: https://japanese-filipino-musical-festival2024.peatix.com/
~JFC Network 30th Anniversary
The Japan-Philippines Exchange Music Festival 2024



Some Japanese Filipino Children (JFC), children who have roots in Japan and the Philippines, are forced to live in economic hardship because their Japanese fathers have abandoned them, or they struggle with their identity because their fathers do not recognize them and they are unable to obtain Japanese nationality. These issues are still unknown to many people, and there is little understanding or support for them.
Therefore, as JFC Network celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, we will hold a music festival to make people aware of this issue, which cannot be reached by media alone.
This festival will be a charity event to raise awareness and support for JFCs who are facing various problems, and to encourage them through music by artists of the same roots.

■ Purpose of the event:
(1) To encourage people who have roots in the Philippines, Japan, or both by connecting them.
2) To raise awareness and extend support to those who have not heard about the JFC issue.

Date: Monday, October 14 (national holiday) 

■Venue: October 14 (Mon., holiday)
○Gramstein (Shinjuku)
https://pladox.com/perform/?fbclid=IwAR2urhoOh_pjC0n8WAT8SQ09_6zSwfNA6jbT21d38aaR1fiac76Cj3h1cXE_aem_AWrhX2asVCdYJVtICKIMCpL3g4 ChIfK2bFr4-fv_EQigIoDqOnybAAg4kN2hBnAfmBMGDXLfSMHtw-V2kHj-qxpi

①ZAIKO: https://jfcnetwork.zaiko.io/item/364831?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3XIluKi7gMlg0-DJMdVf5XoO6qoNktnXczAFjVgPyF7yAAhUXpg0MKlUA_aem_erD5TXsfYObN50FdmF_Akg
②Peatix: https://japanese-filipino-musical-festival2024.peatix.com/