さて、9月22日(日)に「JFCの来日・就労・幸福度調査」の報告会を実施しました。(※English is below)
6人のタガログ語の調査員と5人の報告書作成者がかかわり、各項目ごとに報告をしました。JFCのKota SHIBAZAKIさんと眞乗坊ガブリエラさんも自身の経験や思いをスピーチしてくださいました。
On September 22nd (Sun), we held a seminar to report on the survey on the “JFC’s happiness, work and life in Japan”.
A total of 30 people participated in the seminar, either in person or via ZOOM, and we feel that the content of the seminar was both substantial and informative.
The reason we decided to carry out this survey was that, as a result of the lawsuit over nationality confirmation (Nationality Law Article 3), the JFCs obtained a ruling that the nationality law was unconstitutional, and the nationality law was revised so that children born outside of marriage could acquire Japanese nationality by being recognized by their Japanese fathers.
This was intended to broaden the options available to these children and enrich their lives.
However, since then, some of the JFCs who migrated from the Philippines have been struggling to repay their debts, or have been working under conditions that differ from the promised working conditions, or have been suffering discrimination and prejudice due to their inability to speak Japanese. When I saw this situation day after day, I began to wonder whether the right to acquire Japanese nationality, which they had worked so hard to win, was really making them happy.
The purpose of this time’s survey was to (1) understand the reality of JFCs coming to Japan and working here, and also to (2) investigate the level of happiness of JFCs.
Six Tagalog-speaking researchers and five report writers were involved, and each item was reported on. JFC Kota SHIBAZAKI and JFC Ian Gabriela SHINJOBO also gave speeches about their own experiences and thoughts.
NHK covered the event and broadcast a report on the news at 12:10 on September 23rd.
Kyodo News also covered the event and will be interviewing JFC’s Kota.
If you would like to read the report, please contact us directly. We can send it to you, but you will have to pay the postage.