11月10日(日)JICA地球ひろばを会場に特定非営利活動法人JFCネットワーク設立30周年記念会が行われました。※English is below.
その他、JFCネットワークと協働してきた歩みをカラカサン代表の山岸素子さんからお話頂き、弁護士の大川秀史先生からは、故尚子さんとの思い出などを語って頂きました。マリガヤハウスを長年支えた故河野尚子さんの存在は、30年の歴史の中でも大きかったことを皆さんのお話や映像の中で改めて感じました。その他、JFC支援の先駆けとも言えるMasayang Tahananのコーディネーターの森木和美さんからもメッセージを頂きました。「JFCが日本の国籍をもらえないのはなぜか、日本に住んでいる外国人が制度の面でも社会の中でも不平等な立場に置かれるのはなぜか」を解決したかったのがはじまりだとおっしゃっていました。
「30周年記念会にお邪魔できてよかったです。昨日は、30年間の振り返りができて、阿蘇さん(注:初代事務局長 阿蘇敏文さん)のグループと日本大使館にロビー活動したり、河野尚子さんとケースマネジメントや母親の対応について意見交換した思い出がよみがえりました。
皆さま ありがとうございました。そして今後もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
JFCネットワーク 事務局一同
We held a 30th anniversary celebration for the founding of the JFC Network at JICA Global Plaza on Sunday, November 10th. 52 people attended the event in person, and 11 people joined via Zoom. The purpose of this anniversary event was to look back on the past 30 years with those who have supported us over the years, and to think about the future activities of the JFC Network.
First, there was an opening greeting from the chairperson of the board of directors, Masako Suzuki, and then we looked back on the activities of the past 30 years while watching the video that Naoko Ota, a board member and video director, had compiled over the years.
After the video, the first JFC Network staff member, Ms. Asako Otomo, talked about the time when the name “JFC Network” was first decided upon at the time of the organization’s establishment in April 1994, and about Ms. Yayori Matsui, the first representative of the organization.
Next, Ms. Mizuho Takahashi, who worked at the Marigaya House for many years, talked about her memories of the time she spent with the mothers of JFC members and clients.
Also, Ms. Motoko Yamagishi, the representative of the Kalakasan organization, spoke about the collaboration with the JFC network, and Atty. Hideshi Okawa, talked about his memories of the late Ms. Naoko Kono. Through the stories and images, we were reminded of the great impact that the late Ms. Naoko Kawano, who supported Maligaya House for many years, had on the 30-year history of the organization. We also received a message from Ms. Kazumi Moriki, the coordinator of Masayang Tahanan, who can be said to have pioneered JFC support. She said that the reason she started this was because she wanted to solve the question of why JFC could not obtain Japanese nationality and why foreigners living in Japan were placed in an unequal position both in terms of the system and in society.
After this, Atty. Hironori Kondo, gave a lecture on the theme of “16 years since the nationality lawsuit”, about the Supreme Court’s Grand Bench decision on June 4th 2008, which partially invalidated the requirements for naturalization in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Nationality Act.
One of the reasons for taking the case to court was the frank questions from mothers such as “Can my child get Japanese nationality?”, “Why doesn’t my child have Japanese nationality even though their father is Japanese?”, and “That’s not right, it’s impossible for me to marry him, but whether we get married or not, the father of my child is Japanese”, and the episode of the court calling the appellant on the phone just before the first trial judgment, and the groundbreaking event of the appellant sitting in the “fence” with their lawyer, rather than in the public seats, when the full court was in session. we were able to hear stories that could only be heard here, such as the episode of the court calling them on the phone just before the first trial, and the groundbreaking event of the appellant himself sitting in the “fence” with his lawyer, rather than in the spectator seats, when the grand court was held. Then, on the day of the judgment, when the unconstitutionality of the law was ruled, the moment when Atty. Kondo nodded to the mothers, and before the judge had even left the courtroom, the mothers cheered and were overjoyed. This was the story of that time.
The issues that have arisen since the landmark ruling that the Nationality Act was unconstitutional include the fact that the government, which suspects cases of fake recognition, has become overly strict about the acquisition of nationality through voluntary recognition, and the fact that many JFCs who have obtained recognition or Japanese nationality have come to Japan and have been victims of human trafficking.
The lecture concluded with the following words: “The judgment that the Nationality Act was unconstitutional was an event that brought about major changes, both legally and socially, and also for JFC. The JFC Network regards this judgment as a major achievement, and we will continue to respond to the changes in society that have arisen as a result of it.”
Next, Loreta and Rosana, who were the mothers of the plaintiffs, spoke powerfully about the struggle they had at the time.
After that, two of the plaintiffs, who were children at the time, spoke about the meaning of the nationality confirmation lawsuit in their lives and what they gained from it. I think this road was not really smooth. They told us with a smile that at the time they thought it would be better not to say they were Filipino while living in Japan, that they had experienced discrimination and bullying, that they had always been fighting with their mother, but that they were relieved when they acquired Japanese nationality, and that they could now say how grateful they were to their mother. They also told us that now, as JFC, they have an identity as both Japanese and Filipino. Although she was smiling as she spoke, we who had seen the many hardships she had been through could not help but shed tears of pride at her strength of character.
Next, the JFCs who had recently come to Japan or who were active overseas talked openly about the difficulties they had when they first started living in Japan, their relationships with their fathers and mothers, and Japanese society.
I think the participants were very impressed to see the children, who were so young when the organization was first established, now in their teens, starting to talk about their lives as JFCs in their own words.
In the thank-you section, we introduced eight members who have supported us as members for 30 years since the foundation in 1994, and we received a message from one of them, Ms. Masako Owaki. We also introduced four lawyers who have accepted cases since the foundation of the JFC Lawyers’ Group in 1993, and Ms. Yoshiko Saito, who has supported us as a volunteer for a long time, was presented with a thank-you letter by Masako Suzuki, the chairperson of the board of directors. We also received a message from Ms. Yumiko Inazuka, who has participated in the study tour the most as a repeat participant.
Afterwards, we presented thank-you letters to those who had supported us over the years, and the get-together continued.
For the past 30 years, we have been able to carry out our activities thanks to the support of everyone. We would like to express our gratitude once again.
At the buffet party, we enjoyed a meal while watching a documentary film by Mr. Daichi Hasegawa. Then, Mr. Takeshi Takeuchi, who was screening a film on the theme of “searching for a father”, introduced us to the ‘Padre Project’ .
Finally, we would like to share with you the words of one of the members who attended the event, which we received in an email the following day.
“I’m glad I was able to attend the 30th anniversary event.
Yesterday, I was able to look back over the past 30 years, and I was able to recall memories of lobbying with Mr. Aso’s (Note: Mr. Toshifumi Aso, the first Secretary General) group and the Japanese Embassy, and exchanging opinions with Ms. Naoko Kono about case management and how to deal with mothers.
I was reassured to see how JFC has grown and developed over the years. On the other hand, I also thought that we must not forget that there are still some JFC who are struggling with their own identities or who still have mixed feelings about their fathers. I hope that there will be no more nights without morning, and that each and every one of them will be able to see the light from the darkness.
Thank you very much, and please continue to support us as always.
JFC Network Staff Members
(photo by Mr. Kenei SATO)