JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




行政書士の笠間さんと日本国籍再取得を目的として来日するケースのミーティングをオンラインで実施しました。※English is below.



We held an online meeting with Ms. Kasama, an certificated Administrative Procedure Specialist, for cases coming to Japan for the purpose of obtaining Japanese nationality again. Two cases from Maligaya House in Manila and four cases from RGS-COW in Davao were attended with mothers and children. All of these cases are emergency cases where the children are already 18 or 19 years old and cannot obtain Japanese nationality unless they come to Japan by March 31 of next year and submit a notification of reacquisition of Japanese nationality. According to Article 12 of the current Japanese Nationality Law, a child born out of wedlock to a Japanese national born abroad loses Japanese nationality if a birth certificate and notification of reservation of Japanese nationality are not submitted to the Japanese embassy outside Japan within three months of the birth. 70% of the children in the cases of children born out of wedlock accepted by the JFC Network have lost Japanese nationality. We have been advised that the important points are (1) to have a guarantor with sufficient resources, (2) to prove a basis for living until obtaining Japanese nationality, and (3) to plan for the future after obtaining Japanese nationality. We have decided to secure a place to stay and employment to prove financial resources and have children summarize their life plans and dreams for the future.

Obtaining Japanese nationality is not their goal. Obtaining Japanese nationality will increase the children’s opportunities to make choices for their future. It is up to the children themselves to make the most of the opportunities they have obtained. We will support them so that they can make the most of their opportunities.