JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




2023年8月2日から9日まで関係者でJFCネットワークの研修旅行を実施しました。フィリピンを訪れるのは3年ぶりのことでした。※English is below.



マリガヤハウスへは毎日問い合わせが多くてすでにWaiting listには500名以上となっているそうです。十分に証拠があっても1年近く待たなければケースを受けてあげられない状況となっています。






今回は研修旅行に入る前に、JFCネットワークの理事長の鈴木雅子先生と日弁連から派遣されている弁護士の小幡孝之先生とマリガヤハウスの理事でJFCの太田貴さんと在比日本大使館を訪問し協議をする機会を得ました。JFCに関する査証申請についての話などいくつかの問題点について共有させてもらいました。その後は、CFO(Commission on Filipinos Overseas)を訪問し有意義な話し合いができました。CFOは海外に移住するフィリピン人を対象に、偽装結婚や人身売買の抑制、移住後の生活指導を目的として、セミナーやカウンセリングを実施しています。しかしフィリピン国籍者対象のため、日本国籍を取得したJFCたちはその対象にならず、この日本移住前のオリエンテーションを受けることができません。











From August 2 to 9, 2023, a study tour was conducted with JFC Network members. It was our first visit to the Philippines in three years


We visited Maligaya House for the first time since the passing of Naoko Kono and had face-to-face meetings with Maligaya House stuffs for the first time.


I heard that Maligaya House receives many inquiries every day and already has more than 500 people on its waiting list. Even with enough evidences, they have to wait for almost a year before we can accept their cases.


According to them, online case management has its limitations, and they sometimes find it difficult to communicate with clients without seeing them face to face.


We are considering the possibility of hiring another social worker to facilitate case management.


Before the study tour, we visited the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines with Atty. Masako Suzuki, President of JFC Network, Atty. Takayuki Obata, a lawyer dispatched by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and JFC, Mr. Takashi Ota, a board member of Maligaya House, to discuss with the Embassy. We discussed several issues with the Embassy, including JFC’s visa application. After that, we visited the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO), which conducts seminars and counseling for Filipinos moving abroad with the aim of helping to prevent fake marriages and human trafficking as well as providing guidance on post-emigration life. However, since this program is for Filipino nationals, JFCs who have acquired Japanese nationality are not eligible for this program and cannot receive this pre-migration orientation to Japan.


I wondered if JFCs who have acquired Japanese nationality could take the same CFO orientation before coming to Japan, it would go a long way in preventing the trafficking of persons that is now a problem for JFCs.


We received very nice hospitality at the RGS-COW in Davao. They prepared many dishes, desserts, and fruits, and we really enjoyed delicious food at every meal.


Each of us had a valuable experience at the homestay. Meeting the mothers and children, talking with them, and spending time with them in their homes gave us a lot more impressions than we could get just from the case documents.


No matter how much progress has been made online, we felt that being able to talk face to face with the mothers and children enriched the time we spent together.


On the last day, we had dinner with Ms. Aurora and Ms. Andre, the chairperson of Maligaya House, who shared their memories of Ms. Yayori Matsui, the founder and the first president of JFC Network, and we had a very good time.