JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




9月5日(火)、来日したばかりのアイコさんとトモヤさんがボランティアに来てくれました。※English is below.






On September 5, Aiko and Tomoya, who had just arrived in Japan, came to our office for a volunteer activity.


Both of them will start Japanese lessons at YSC Global School on September 19, so they will help us one day a week until then. In the morning, another newcomer to Japan, Shinchi, had an online interview for Japanese lessons at YSC Global School. Good luck to all three of you and we are looking forward to your future.


Shun, an intern from DotJP, is also with us. She had brought a Myanmar shrimp dish for lunch, so I got to taste a bit of it. It was delicious.