JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




2024年7月18日(木)、清泉女子大学のラファエラマリアセンターSEOグループにお声がけ頂き、講演をしてまいりました。SEOグループは学生さんたちがさまざまなボランティア活動をしているグループでいろいろなテーマを持って活動をされているとのことでした。※English is below.



On Thursday, July 18, 2024, I was invited by the Rafaela Maria Center SEO Group of Seisen University to give a lecture. the SEO group is a group of students who are engaged in various volunteer activities with various themes.

After the lecture, we were joined by a sister who had stayed in the Philippines for a long time,
We had a great time talking about various topics with the students.

One of the students was going to do a homestay in Bohol for a month in the summer. The time when you are a college student is the time in your life when you can try many different things. It is also a time when you can enjoy life’s detours, side trips, and road trips. I hope that young students will actively challenge themselves in all kinds of things.