3月12日(水)は1年半、インターンとして活動してくれた倉持くんのインターン最終日でした。(※English is below)
Wednesday, March 12th was the last day of the internship for Kuramochi-kun, who had been working with us for the past year and a half. The reason he started his internship with JFC Network was because his senior at university had suggested that he do an internship with JFC Network after her graduating. Now that he has graduated from university, he has decided to end his internship after a year and a half. He worked hard and carefully, and he was a reliable intern for us, as he taught the junior interns what they didn’t understand.
On his last day, we had the usual Indian curry lunch with the two interns from DotJP♪.
We will miss him very much, but all the staff are sincerely wishing him the best of luck in his new career.
Thank you very much, Kuramochi kun!