JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク



2014年クリスマス会を行いました。/Christmas Party in 2014

12月7日(日)、今年も宝仙子ども教育大学の大教室をおかりし、約100名参加の2014 JFCネットワークのクリスマス会が無事終了しました!

We had a Christmas Party at Hosen child education university on Dec. 7th (Sun.). and more than 100 people attended to our party.



We are glad that we had a lot of youth participants this year. We feel their growth again as they were small children when our organization was founded in 1994.


 さて、プログラムは、もうこの方の存在なしではクリスマス会はありえませんというJFCネットワーク名物司会、山田さんの進行で、様々なハプニングもないかのように楽しく進みました。Ice breakとして、仲間作りゲーム、並べ替えゲーム(誕生月順に並ぶ、年齢順に並ぶという過酷な課題もあり!!)では、大人も子どもも大いに盛り上がりました。

We had a lot of joy during the party thanks to Mr. Yamada who is very much institution MC in our party without any big troubles. We enjoyed a lot playing some games joining adults and children.



University students presented the puppet plays and panel theater, which children are looking forward to every year. Children enjoyed their play a lot as they could see again the familiar faces. 



Music scholars by the courtesy of Ms. Machiko Miura also performed their mini music concert. Ms. Machiko Miura gave them opportunities to have her free lessons for JFC who suffer from financial problem but are talented to sing.    



We was impressed by Jeisa’s words, who is 3rd year high school student. “Thanks to my mother, Ms. Machiko Miura, all members in Jiyuhno-megami and all members from JFC Network, I could get rid of a lot of difficulties which I had been suffering from. I will sing passing thought to them. ”みうらまちこミュージック奨学生歌披露



料理大賞1位 エルバさん カレカレ

We had an annual cooking contest! As our Christmas Party is potluck party, specially, Filipino mothers do their best to cook Philippine food. Off course, volunteers, staffs and supporting members also join our cooking contest. However, we cannot compete with their Philippine food. All of us have right to vote even minor children and adults who do not have Japanese nationality have right to vote which dish and desert you like best, there is no disparity in vote value.デザート大賞1位、ジーンさん マサブランカ


 結果!今年の料理大賞は、エルバさんのカレカレ。エルバさんは、牛の蜂の巣などまで使った本格派カレカレでした!盛り付けも、大皿を持参してと凝っており、堂々の1位でした。デザート部門は、ジーンさんのマサブランカ。料理部門の2位はアネッテさんのエンブティード、3位はエドナさんのルンピアとレアさんのチキン、デザート部門の2位はペルラさんのフルーツサラダ、3位はアネッテさんのレッチョフランでした。料理大賞2位 アネッテさん エンブディド

Now, ‘Kare-Kare’ which was cooked by Elba won the grand prize. Elba proudly won the first prize cooking an authentc Philippine food, ‘Kare-Kare’ ‘Masa Blanca’ which was made by Jean won the grand prize in desert category.   Annette got the second prize with ‘Embutido’. Edna and Lea got the third prize with ‘Lumpia’ and ‘chicken’. Perla won the second prize with “fruits salad” in desert category and Annette also got the third prize with “Leche Flan”.料理大賞2位 ペルラさん フルーツサラダ



All dishes and desert were very delicious even though they could not win the prizes. Our Christmas Party is enjoyable party to eat various kind of authentic Philippine food.


料理大賞3位 エドナさん ルンピア



We would like to say “thank you very much” for all donors who donated Christmas gifts to all children, sweets for youth members and Sushi. Mr. Negishi who kindly called for donation presented the gifts to each children and youth, wearing the Santa’s hat.




We also enjoyed having an annual Bingo. Thank you very much for all of you who joined our party, supported us as volunteers, and donated various prize things to children. We also greatly appreciate Hosen University, especially Prof. Sano who offered us the venue for our party.



As always, we appreciate your continuing support for our activities.


 みなさま、メリークリスマス! どうぞよいお年をお迎えください(早いですね、まだまだ働かねば!!)

Merry Christmas! Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon!! (hindi pa nga nakarating ang Pasko, kailangan pang magtrabaho!)記念撮影